- 24th Nov 2017: Organized a full day event A W A: E K – A Way Ahead Ethical Khadi at Fashion & Textile Museum, London.
‘Today the fast fashion global industry that is destroying the planet and the people has to move away from its currant practices and we have to change our attitudes too! The Ethical Khadi way, in its evolved form has a great potential of transforming the textile and fashion industry internationally into Clothing People by the People Without Costing the Earth! ‘ - 29th Sept. 2017: Helped organizing and participated in an important Workshop: REVIVAL OF KHADI SUMMIT – REVOLUTIONISE KHADI AND SUPPORT RURAL, GRASSROOTS ECONOMY. The movement has started in the early part of 2017. Many of us independently and jointly have expressed the need to upgrade Khadi-making technology to make a better quality fabrics production and expand it at rural level at a large scale to give more work opportunity to people and artisan in villages. Over sixty experts from Khadi and textile related fields with a passion to re-invent Khadi participated.